How to Align a Personal Brand Strategy With Your Audience

Have you ever wondered if your brand is attractive or repellant to your audience? Do the colors or imagery put them off? Is the message right? These are common concerns I hear from prospective customers. In this article, you’ll learn how I help online service providers develop a brand that sets them apart as the obvious choice for ideal clients.

These methods are part of my Magnetic Message service, designed to help coaches, consultants, creatives, and others who work one-on-one with clients or offer one-to-many solutions. By taking these steps, you will have a clear, consistent approach to confidently create content and have sales conversations that result in more “yes!” responses.

Step One: Audience Research

You’ve heard it time and again – do market research. Many of my prospective customers have done so. However, the approach often lacks depth, resulting in a hazy understanding of their audience. The first step we take is to have one-on-one conversations with ideal clients and do in-depth online research to understand the audience. The goal is to clarify their values, interests, and lifestyles. With this information, we’ll characterize your audience using a universally understood archetype, such as the Hero, the Magician, or the Rebel. This helps to focus your brand and message to appeal directly to them.

Step Two: Competitor Analysis

To truly stand out and attract your ideal clients, you need to understand not only your audience but also your competition. In my Magnetic Message service, I conduct a thorough competitor review of direct and indirect competitors’ offerings, brand strategies, and online marketing methods. All of this information is added to a spreadsheet, which gives us a bird’s eye view of the market and helps to spot gaps and opportunities for differentiation.

Step Three: Your Difference

Next, we evaluate your values and strengths and identify your brand archetype. By doing so, we can find the intersection between your audience’s values and what you bring to the table. These qualities should be reflected in every aspect of your brand — even if you prefer not to have a personal brand or be highly visible in your marketing. This gives your brand authenticity and a human touch that attracts the right clients. In this stage, we define your unique selling points and value proposition. We also refer to our competitor analysis to find opportunities to differentiate and strengthen your brand approach.

Step Four: Brand Identity

By viewing your brand and your audience as characters, known as archetypes, we can find the intersection of values and interests that define your brand. These qualities will be emphasized in your branding, design, and messaging. Together, these form the foundations of your brand identity. Ideally, your brand should showcase about 70% of your brand archetype and 30% of your audience’s archetype. In the Brand Map document, provided in my Magnetic Message service, you’ll be given a color palette and an image mood board designed to appeal to your audience and quickly communicate the unique qualities you bring to the table.

Custom “Brand Map” and “Magnetic Message Playbook” documents are provided in my Magnetic Message service, which gives clients a complete brand and message approach.

Step Five: Brand Message

Now that we’ve defined your visual brand, it’s time to craft your brand message for clear, consistent, and compelling communication. In this stage of the Magnetic Message service, I create the Magnetic Message Playbook. It highlights the value of your services and showcases you as an expert with a distinct approach. The playbook also outlines competitive alternatives and explains their potential outcomes, ensuring you can address the competition effectively in your content and sales calls.

In Summary

A successful brand goes beyond looks; it’s about understanding your audience. By taking these steps, you can create the right visual and communication strategies. If you want to quickly build a strategic brand and attract the right clients, try my Magnetic Message service. Choose from a done-for-you or a done-with-you option with training and support.

Interested? Book a free Brand Navigator call to see if these solutions fit your needs. On this no-obligation call, we’ll assess your situation and provide the next steps to meet your goals.

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