What is Market Research and Why Does It Matter

Market research is essential when starting a business or refining your brand. In Magnetic Message, we take a deep dive into market research to shape your most compelling brand and messaging strategy. However, not all market research is the same. There’s a big difference between research done for a feasibility plan and research for a brand strategy. Understanding these differences is key when you decide to work with me on your brand strategy. Let’s look at what sets these two types of market research apart.

Market Research for Feasibility Planning

Feasibility research focuses on determining whether your business idea is viable. This data guides you in making informed decisions about launching your business. While this is an important step for new business owners, it is not covered in Magnetic Message, as it should be completed before investing in branding and marketing.

Your local library may provide free market analysis services, as well as your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) or SCORE. Feasibility research includes the following:

Key Elements

  1. Demographics: This includes detailed information about your potential customers such as age, gender, location, and income. You want to know who they are and where they live.
  2. Market Size and Potential: Understanding the size of your market and its growth potential helps you gauge the opportunity available.
  3. Competitive Landscape: Analyzing your competitors helps you understand the market saturation and identify gaps your business could fill.

Typical Methods

  1. Surveys and Questionnaires: These methods gather data from potential customers about their needs and preferences, which shape the service offers you will create.
  2. Focus Groups: Small, diverse groups discuss your business idea, resulting in qualitative insights into market perceptions.
  3. Market Analysis Reports: These reports compile existing data on market trends, demographics, and competitors, giving you a comprehensive view of the market.

Market Research for Branding

In Magnetic Message, we do market research for branding, which goes beyond demographics to understand the deeper aspects of your target audience. It’s about crafting a brand that resonates on an emotional and psychological level. Brand strategy research aims to get inside the minds of your potential clients. We want to understand their values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles to create a brand and message that truly connects with them.

Key Elements

  1. Psychographics: This involves studying your audience’s values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. It helps us understand what drives them and how they make decisions.
  2. General Demographic Insights: While we don’t need detailed demographic data, knowing the general age range, gender, and broad locations of your audience is helpful.
  3. Emotional and Psychological Triggers: Identifying what makes your audience tick emotionally allows us to create messaging that resonates on a deeper level.

Typical Methods

  1. In-Depth Interviews: One-on-one conversations provide deep insights into your audience’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
  2. Persona Development: We create detailed profiles of your ideal customers, highlighting their psychographic and demographic traits.
  3. Competitive Brand Analysis: Examining how your competitors position their brands helps us identify opportunities to differentiate your own brand.


How Market Research is Used to Shape Your Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is all about connecting with your audience on a deeper level. By focusing on psychographics, we get to know what drives your potential clients — their values, interests, and lifestyles. This deep understanding helps us create a brand that resonates emotionally and psychologically, strengthening their connection to you.

Effective Messaging

With the right market research, we can craft messages that speak directly to your audience’s needs and desires. It’s not just about selling a product or service; it’s about telling a story that your audience can relate to. Effective messaging builds trust and loyalty, essential components for long-term success.

Differentiation in the Market

In today’s crowded online marketplace, standing out is essential. Market research helps us identify unique opportunities to differentiate your brand. By understanding what your competitors are doing and what your audience values, we can position your brand in a way that sets you apart.

Informed Decision-Making

The market research we do in Magnetic Message provides the data and insights needed to make informed decisions about your brand strategy. It takes the guesswork out of branding and allows us to create a strategy based on real insights rather than assumptions.

Building a Strong Brand Identity

A strong brand identity is built on a foundation of thorough market research. Understanding your audience’s psychographics and what they care about ensures that every aspect of your brand—from visuals to messaging—resonates with them. This consistency strengthens your brand identity and makes it memorable.


Market research is the cornerstone of any successful business strategy, but it’s important to understand the distinct roles it plays at different stages. Feasibility research helps you determine if your business idea is viable by diving deep into demographics and market potential. On the other hand, brand strategy research goes beyond the surface to explore the psychographics of your target audience, helping you create a brand that truly resonates.

When you work with me on your brand strategy, we’re not just looking at who your customers are; we’re diving into what makes them tick, what they care about, and how we can connect with them on a deeper level. This approach ensures your brand stands out in a crowded market and forms lasting connections with your audience.

Ready to take your brand to the next level? Let’s discuss your current branding and what we can do to drive your business forward. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how we can shape your brand to stand out online and magnetize the right clients.

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