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Monica Valentine Reynolds

Founder, Vox Pop Marketing

Brand & Marketing Strategist,
Creator of the Magnetic
Marketing Pathways

I'm Monica

I'm a Brand & Marketing Strategist who helps heart-centered service providers authentically set themselves apart and make the competition irrelevant.

About the 'Magnetic Marketing Pathways'

With nearly two decades of online marketing experience, I pinpointed a series of steps that lead to a lucrative online presence. Together, I refer to them as the “Magnetic Marketing Pathways.”

When done in the right order, entrepreneurs can streamline their marketing efforts and have a profitable online presence that supports continued growth.

These four Magnetic Marketing Pathways are perfectly suited to coaches, consultants, and other online service providers.

Monica Valentine Reynolds

topics I Speak About

Crafting an authentic brand that naturally sets you apart from the competition.

The foundational steps of a profitable online presence for solopreneurs & micro business owners providing services.

A clear, compelling brand message that authentically sets you apart and makes the competition irrelevant.

Quick stats & Fun Facts

As a former newspaper reporter, I know how to distill complex information into compelling brand stories and cohesive content marketing approaches.

With a lifetime as a classically trained fine artist, I bring a sharp eye to my web design services. I’m also passionate about branding and marketing as a form of creative self-expression for both myself and my clients.

I’m a certified life coach and highly sensitive person (HSP) with a knack for gaining quick insights into my client’s true essence, unique difference and authentic brand identity.

INFJ: Are you into personality typing, too? I’m an INFJ, which means I am insightful about others, and bring both a creative and strategic approach to my work. This comes in handy for crafting tailor-made, thoughtful approaches to personal brands and content strategy.

Enneagram Type 4: I’m also an Enneagram Type 4 – The Individualist. Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated with how various forms of self-expression set us apart, and finding ever-more authentic ways to do so. For me, Brand Strategy is my most natural career path!

Just for fun: In my spare time, I enjoy photography, digital arts, reading on all sorts of topics, live music, and spending time with some of the most fun, wildly accomplished female friends I’ve had the honor to know.

What does
'Vox Pop' mean?

Vox Pop is a journalism and broadcasting term meaning “the voice of the people.” As a former newspaper reporter, Vox Pop perfectly captures my mission to help entrepreneurs find and amplify their authentic brand voice so they can stand out in a crowded market and make a bigger impact.