4 Magnetic Marketing Pathways to a Lucrative Online Presence

Magnetic Marketing Pathways, lucrative online presence

If you’re like many small business service providers, you are busy and nearly burned out with building your online presence. You’re trying to be seen everywhere online, using all the marketing tactics: stories, reels, DMs and more.

Yet, for all of your efforts, you may not be seeing business growth. Your email list might be small or growth has stagnated with no bites. Your website isn’t producing leads, and sales calls are few and far between. If this sounds familiar, stick with me! This article will give you the steps to do less marketing — and get better results.

Magnetic Marketing Pathways for a Lucrative Online Presence

With nearly two decades of online marketing experience, I’ve developed the Magnetic Marketing Pathways—a series of steps that create a strong, profitable online presence. These steps build upon one another and are ideal for coaches, consultants, and online service providers. Read on to learn about the Pathways, each representing a service that I offer.

Pathway 1: Magnetic Offers

A profitable online presence starts with offers that sell and are designed to help you scale. Whether you sell services, programs, or courses, a specific strategy is essential. In Magnetic Offers, I help clients create one low-ticket and one high-ticket offer to attract more customers and increase the overall transaction value, setting you up to scale your income. You’ll also get a customized plan to secure your next three clients and gather case studies and testimonials to grow your business.

Now, rate yourself from 1 to 5 on these Magnetic Offers components:

A score of one means you’re not addressing it or it needs a major overhaul. A five means you’ve got it covered and are confident.

  1. I have at least one well-defined service offer designed to achieve specific outcomes for a particular audience.
  2. I have documented each step to deliver the service and achieve the promised outcomes.
  3. I am clear about the outcomes I achieve for clients at each step of the service.
  4. I am confident in discussing my offer in marketing and sales calls.


Pathway 2: Magnetic Message

The biggest mistake small business owners make with marketing is lacking message and brand clarity. This leads to ineffective efforts. In Magnetic Message, I help clients communicate their most authentic and compelling brand and message. This includes language about why and how their services are uniquely suited to deliver the intended outcome for their specific audience. This “Magnetic Message” positions my clients to stand out with a clear and compelling online presence.

Now, rate yourself from 1 to 5 on these Magnetic Message components:

  1. I’ve thoroughly researched and documented insights about my ideal customers to understand their needs and perspectives.
  2. I have reviewed my competitors and understand what makes my services different and compelling.
  3. I have a documented brand strategy that authentically sets me apart and helps me maintain a consistent, compelling online presence.
  4. My brand messaging was crafted based on a deep understanding of my target market, their needs, and what sets my services apart from competitors.


Pathway 3: Magnetic Website

Once you have a Magnetic Message, it’s time to create a Magnetic Website. This might require a redesign or a few strategic updates to existing pages. The goal is to present your updated brand and message for the audience you will attract in the next step.

Rate yourself from 1 to 5 on these website components:

  1. My website has a unified visual brand that I’m confident in.
  2. Pages are designed with minimal text and a lot of white space with clearly defined rows, columns, headlines, icons and other visual guides.
  3. My website displays beautifully on all devices — desktops, tablets and mobile phones.


Pathway 4: Content to Cash

Now that your Magnetic Website is primed to captivate and convert ideal clients, it’s time to turn your Content to Cash. In this stage, we develop a complete content marketing strategy to increase visibility and prime ideal clients to choose you over the competition. Every piece of content serves a purpose, from building awareness to nurturing relationships and inspiring your audience to reach out about services.

Now, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 in these content areas:

  1. I have a working strategy to consistently reach new targeted prospects and grow my audience.
  2. I have content for each stage of the buyer’s journey: awareness, consideration, decision.
  3. I have a lead magnet that reflects the services I provide and inspires interest in my work.

What to Do Next

I know I just shared a lot, and if you tried to do it all on your own, it could take a long time of searching and experimenting online, possibly leading to mistakes and confusion. Eventually, many people end up hiring someone to fix the work they or their freelancers did.

If you’re intrigued by this approach and are looking for an expert to lead the way, schedule a free Brand Navigator call. During our conversation, we’ll look at your business and your marketing approach, and pinpoint the right Magnetic Marketing Pathways tailored to your needs.

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