4 Common Reasons Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working

Reasons Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working



If you’re reading this article, you are likely a coach, consultant or solopreneur providing services. You may have tried posting on all of the social networks and dabbled in videos, reels, podcasts and more. Content creation can be time-intensive and pricey to invest in. As a result, it can be deflating when your efforts fall flat – no new leads or booked sales calls – only crickets.

I know business owners who have thrown in the towel on content marketing as a result of these frustrations. However, even in our post-COVID world, content marketing still attracts interest and business leads. In this article, we will look at the common reasons why your marketing isn’t working, so you can pinpoint opportunities, and make adjustments to see better results.

Four Reasons Why YourMarketing Isn’t Working

Unclear Message

Imagine strangers reaching out in the DMs and booking sales consultations on your calendar. If you want this to be your reality, you need a clear, Magnetic Message. This is a compelling message that sets you apart. A Magnetic Message isn’t about writing perfect prose or finding better words. Instead, it hinges on a true understanding of your difference and what it is about your solutions that your intended customers crave.

However, guessing about what your audience wants is another big mistake many service providers make. This keeps them struggling to interest people in their offerings. Rather than guessing, it’s important to have conversations with people who fit your ideal customer profile. Learn as much as you can about their challenges and aspirations related to your services. From there, you can craft more relevant messages to connect with prospective buyers.

Undifferentiated Branding

You might have noticed the online space is crowded with many service providers in your field. To stand out, it helps to have a clearly defined strategic brand. While many people think of a brand as a color scheme and a logo, a complete brand includes a clear audience, mission, origin story and distinctive personality. A complete and strategic brand strategy uses these elements to distinguish you among your competitors so you can stand out over the noise and capture the attention of your intended audience.

Low Visibility

Even with a differentiated brand, message, crave worthy offers, and a beautiful website, if few people know, it won’t matter. Lacking an online visibility strategy is another common obstacle to marketing that pays off. Sales is a numbers game. The more people who see your message, the more likely your marketing will attract prospective customers.

To determine if low visibility is an issue, pay close attention to the results of your marketing. This is often referred to as “metrics.” How many people are your social media posts reaching? How many unique website visits are you getting, and how many new email subscribers? If the numbers are low, it’s time to improve your visibility. Make a plan for how you will get yourself in front of more people and work your strategy consistently.

Confusing Web Presence

Once your brand has a clear message, stands apart from competitors, and is visible to new audiences, you are well on your way to a lucrative online presence. However, if visitors land on a website that is disorganized or confusing, your efforts will fall flat. It’s important to design your website with visitors in mind. Consider the information they will want to see such as important benefits, features and other details about your services. Prospective customers also look for testimonials or case studies, a detailed FAQ and clear instructions on how to take the next step to learn more about working with you.

Spot More Opportunities in 30 Minutes or Less

I know how confusing it can be to see what’s missing from our marketing. We are too close to see the forest for the trees. To help you gain marketing clarity, I’ve opened up spots on my calendar for free laser consulting sessions that I call, “Brand Brilliance”. The call includes a review of your marketing and website, putting my 19+ years of experience to work for you. We will identify simple changes that will make a big difference in connecting with your target audience and help them see the value of your services. You can learn all about this limited time opportunity at https://voxpopmarketing.com/brand-brilliance.

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