Think Like A Marketer: How To Get Yourself Visible Online

think like a marketerAs a small business owner, it’s natural to feel a sense of imposter syndrome or vulnerability when it comes to marketing your business. You may be worried that your efforts won’t bring in the desired results or that you will be exposed to potential criticism. These worries can stop you from getting started or hold you back from being more visible online. However, it is possible to overcome these feelings and think like a marketer – even if you don’t have any formal training in the field. Let’s look at some tips on how to do this.

Focus on Your Unique Strengths and Talents

Imposter syndrome can destroy your confidence, cause you to compare yourself to competitors, and leave you feeling overwhelmed by marketing. If you want to think like a marketer, the first step is to objectively recognize your unique skills, talents, and experience. Many times, entrepreneurs who suffer from imposter syndrome are more knowledgeable and capable than they realize.

An article by Forbes shared a useful definition of imposter syndrome:

“Imposter syndrome is the feeling of being a complete fraud in your field. All of your achievements are by luck and not hard work or trial and error. And worse, you feel like you don’t deserve anything you’ve achieved.”

If this sounds familiar, take the time to catalog your accomplishments. Then, use that knowledge to explain what makes your services different. Get clear on the unique benefits and outcomes you can produce for your customer base, and share them on your website and social media.

Take Action

Don’t let thoughts of failure stop you from getting started or from regularly marketing your business. Instead, focus on taking actionable steps toward achieving your goals. It may help to dedicate time each day – or on specific days of the week – to solely focus on marketing activities to move your business forward.

If you want inspiration and strategies to stay on track, watch or read, 3 Daily Habits for Business Growth, as well as How to Plan Your Perfect Work Week which will help you to stay consistent.

Experiment & Have Fun With Marketing

The next step for those who want to think like a marketer is to know that it’s OK to make mistakes. Marketing is all about testing and learning what works best. Try different types of content that appeal to you such as blog posts, videos, audio, reels, and more.

Also, test out different social media platforms or strategies until you find something that resonates with your customers. It’s important to keep track of your efforts so you can see what works (and what doesn’t). As a result, you will learn what to keep doing and where to adjust your efforts for better outcomes.

Keep Learning

The best way to think like a marketer is to continue tuning into videos and articles just like this. On that note, if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I post a new video every Thursday to help you stand out online and reach more customers with authentic, Magnetic Marketing strategies.


Don’t let imposter syndrome hold you back – you can take control of your next level of business success today by investing in yourself and giving yourself permission to figure it out along the way! If you are ready to upgrade your marketing and want expert help and guidance to do it, then book a Brand Navigator call with me to explore your options.

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