7 Simple Ways to Grow Your Email List Fast

Are you looking for ways to grow your email list fast? Building an engaged mailing list of leads and potential customers should be a priority if you’re a small business service provider. Not only does it have a high return on investment but it’s one of the best, low-cost marketing strategies to stay top of mind with potential clients.

Many of the tips you’ll learn in this article are simple and others may be a bit more challenging, but they’re all worth trying. Let’s get started …

1. Create a Sign-Up Form

Create a page on your website that offers what is called an opt-in freebie in exchange for an email address. An opt-in freebie is a free and valuable resource that appeals to your prospective customers’ needs. It could be anything from a helpful guide, to a cheat sheet or workbook. You will need to set up a sign-up form on the page where you collect subscribers’ names and email addresses.

2. Calls to Action (CTA)

A call to action is a prompt that guides a reader or viewer to take a specific action. When it comes to building your email list fast, treat every social media post or blog article you create as an opportunity for readers or viewers to take the next step with you. Try ending your posts with a Call to Action to download your freebie and see how it sparks email list growth!

3. Other People’s Audiences

Leveraging other people’s audiences is a great way to quickly grow your email list. First, find related business owners who cater specifically to your target audience – just make sure they’re not direct competitors! Then, pitch an interesting live interview or guest blog post topic that their followers would benefit from learning more about. Once you’ve secured the spot, promote your freebie as a way for people to learn more about the topic you discussed. If this strategy is of interest, be sure to watch my video “How to Pitch Guest Blog Posts to Grow Your Audience”.

4. Promo Banner

One of the best places to promote your freebie is at the top of your web pages! You can see an example of a promotional banner at the top of my website, which I designed using the most eye-catching color in my brand color pallet. It includes a button so that when people click, they’re taken to a page where they can enter their email address in exchange for information. To test this method for yourself, try adding a promo banner to your website using HelloBar.com.

5. Email Signature

Did you know you can also promote your opt-in freebie as part of your email signature? Try using the free Hubspot email signature generator, which includes a designated area to promote your freebie.

6. Business Card

If you often find yourself handing out business cards, then consider promoting your free download on the back of your business card! In the past, when I used this strategy, I found it to be incredibly effective!

7. Pop-Up Forms

Most people find pop-up forms to be annoying, which leads many of my clients to shy away from them. But did you know you can set a pop-up to display only when someone intends to exit your website? This is a perfect opportunity to interest website visitors in something of value that keeps them in your loop. If you’d like to give this method a try, HelloBar offers pop-ups with paid accounts. If your website is built on WordPress, you might also try the Opt-In Monster plugin. I personally designed my website with WordPress and Elementor, which provides built-in pop-up technology at no extra cost! If you have questions about any of this technical stuff, feel free to drop a comment with your questions or reach out to me at the link below this video.

In Closing

After reading this article, I hope you are now feeling more confident and prepared to boost your small business email subscriptions. Keep these 7 tips in mind and take consistent action to grow your email list fast from a handful of contacts to an impressive list of potential customers! Choose two to three tactics from this list and commit time each week for outreach activities and you’ll see bigger results in no time.

If you would like to use online content marketing strategies to get noticed and stand out to your audience as the obvious choice, but you’re not quite sure how to connect the dots to make it work, you might be interested in my Content to Cash service. It’s a complete strategy tailored to get you visible online, create content that connects and prime ideal clients to choose you over the competition.

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